Creating my own blog was really a unique experience. It was my first time creating one, so at first I didn't know what to do. Once I learned how to do it, I enjoyed the experience of creating it. It felt kind of nice to have a “website” that gives people an insight of who I am. What I loved the most was that you can literary edit everything and that made the whole experience even better, because you could design your blog your own way. For instance, in my blog I added some quotes from MLK and Malcolm X; and adding quotes is just one of the many things that you can do. When the blog was assigned I thought that it was useless. I thought the same about the journal, but the blog felt different than the journal. It was like a reflection of all the practice that I gained from the journal.
In the journal we wrote about our feelings and thoughts. In the blog we posted reflections of works, readings, experiences, etc. The blog, in my opinion, is more of a summary of the improvement you have gained writing the journal entries. I say this, because in the blog we post our best reflections and best works, meaning that our writing skills were great. After completing the blog, I realize that thanks to it I could now see how much I've grown as a person and how much my writing skills have improved over time. My thoughts have been refined allowing me to express my personality, and at the same time overcome my fear of writing.
Works Cited:
Pittmann, Cynthia. Blog reflection by Batista, Gian. Class assignment UPRRP February 12 2018.